Electricity from the Sun
Electricity from the Sun
Problem: Do you think that Mr. Ahmet should build solar panels to cover the electricity cost of the house (given his energy needs and budget)?
Age: Middle & High School students
Math Content: rational operations, formulas and equations, inequalities, area & measurement, percentages
Science & Engineering Content: electricity and power
Lesson (See Doğan et al., 2019):
Warm Up Questions: elicit student background knowledge of electricity
Warm Up Activities: Initial student research, class discussion, short reading about solar energy
Opening Activities: connect to students' real life experiences
Problem Statement: Do you think that Mr. Ahmet should build solar panels to cover the electricity cost of the house (given his energy needs and budget)?
Product: Create a model that shows how Mr. Ahmet can place the solar panels that can meet his electricity needs at the roof, at an affordable cost, and show in detail how you did it.
Source: Doğan, M. F., Gürbüz, R., Çavuş Erdem, Z., & Şahi̇n, S. (2019). Using mathematical modeling for integrating STEM disciplines: A theoretical framework. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 10(3), 628-653. https://doi.org/10.16949/turkbilmat.502007
Problem is similar to Storing the Sun.